Saturday, October 5, 2013

Day 277

Jackson scored his first goal of the season today, and his team won the game!  So proud of them!

best of jack web


  1. YAY!! For Jackson.. we lost 10-1 today...not a good day for soccer for us!

  2. I absolutely LOVE the images you are getting with your 800! The sharpness amazes me. Corey do you use any set photoshop/elements action packages such as the Paint the Moon Actions for your editing? I'm intrigued by some of the actions out there but I don't know anybody actually using them.

    1. Hi Terri! I mostly use Florabella's actions for photoshop although I don't use her "color" actions very often. I like some of the unique brushes that are offered within the sets. I have loved every set that I have bought. They are amazing. I also like to just use the Dodge and Burn tools in photoshop to enhance the light and color. Thanks so much for asking. To sharpen, a lot of times, I duplicate my layer then go to Filter...down to Unsharp mask with the amount around 55%.

    2. Thank you so much for the info Corey! Greatly appreciate it! The edits on your images are so subtle yet so effective! I'll check out Florabella! I've seen them before but haven't looked at them lately!

  3. I totally agree with Terry. The sharpness of your images is amazing and I love the edits!

    Also, Corey, I wonder, do you ever use flash in your photos? I've been working with a photographer and every time he sees my photos is so painful:)...One of the many things he says is: we have to teach how to use flash or we have to get you a good flash.....

  4. Hi Olga, I do have an external flash that I have only used a handful of times. I try to only shoot outdoors. Even with the camera I have, it is still hard to get good photos taken inside on a dreary. A lot of the "light" that you see in this photo for example was created using the dodge tool in Photoshop as well as creating a layer and using the "screen" blending mode painted on where I wanted it. The SOOC was much dimmer. I also use levels in photoshop to help lighten my photos when they are underexposed.



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