Monday, January 7, 2013

Day 7

This is Jackson's birthday week.  He turns 10 on Wednesday, and he had an indoor soccer game tonight.

The focus of my photography class this month is Winter and Low Light.  I took this shot in front of a bank of windows at 4:50 p.m. with no lights and no flash.

Day 7 Jack in house web
ISO 2000  f/2.5  SS 1/200

I warmed Jackson up a bit with a Florabella action in Photoshop.  He is one of the pastiest people I know.

And here he is in action...this was taken behind plexiglass, and I blurred out the other kids' faces since I do not know them or their parents.

7 jack to kick
ISO1600  f/2.5  SS 1/500


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