Saturday, May 4, 2013

Day 124

We started our morning at the soccer field at 7:30.

Jackson's team played two games today.  They lost both, but Jackson played so well.  His confidence and footwork have gotten so much better over the past three months.


We left soccer and got home in just enough time to get Brendan to the baseball field. His game ended at 7:00 pm.  They won, thankfully, and Brendan went 2 for 2 with one walk.  

Here is Brendan about to score...

b score

And Brendan sliding into home...

B score2


  1. Love the action shots and the ball coming in from the left side!

  2. Is that fake dirt on the baseball field? I notice that the batter's boxes are completely in tact and he doesn't seem to be kicking up dust as he slides.



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