Thursday, January 10, 2013

Day 10

The Compute...

This is Emma's new nickname for my MacBook Pro...not computer, or laptop, just compute!

She loves it.  She is addicted to it.  It is quite annoying to have to kick a 4 year old off of your compute!  :)

emma compute web
ISO 2000  f/1.8  SS 1/125

compute web
ISO 2000  f/2   SS 1/80

eyes compute web
ISO 2000  f/2  SS 1/125

She sure is cute though!


  1. Cute is not a strong enough word... sassy! and adorable come to mind! I love the black and white! I need to try a few.

  2. That's an intense look in the first one. Looks like she's hard at work.



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